
Wyświetlanie postów z styczeń, 2025

Friday in Radom

Friday was the farewell day. Due to the fact that the guests were leaving early, we only had time for a quick goodbye, a few pictures and promises to see each other again soon. Zosia and Júlia Dominika and  Núria Bianka and Esther Wiktor and Marc Łucja and Ares Alicja and Ingrid Szymon and Guim Karolina and Ariadna Antoni and Aleix and the coordinators: Núria, Olga and Iwona

Thursday in Radom - Warsaw

Thursday was again the trip day. This time our guests went to Warsaw to see the present capital city of Poland. They saw something old - The Old Town, something modern - The Kopernik Science Centre, and something very beautiful - The Royal Gardens of Light in Wilanów. Trip to Warsaw

Wednesday in Radom

Wednesday was another school day, full of project work. In the morning, our guests took part in the PE class together with PHOENIX KIDS. They did various  tests and exercises, played korfball with the world champions and had a lot of fun.  Later they did a Polish and Kaszubian class, specially prepared due to the fact that one of the project topics are regional languages.  After that, we all went to see the vice president of Radom, Mts Katarzyna Kalinowska, at the city hall. The project aims at increasing the citizenship awareness and the sense of belonging to the society, so it was a great lesson on civic participation. The vice president is an enthusiast of Erasmus+ projects and always welcomes our activities connected to such activities.  After coming back and lunch, our guests had time with maths (Blokus games) and ICT - robots programming.  After getting some rest, they came back to school for dinner. It was not a usual one, though! The school teachers gath...

Tuesday in Radom - Cracow

Tuesday was the day of an educational trip to Cracow and Wieliczka Salt Mine. We wanted them to get to know not only the school and its surroundings, but also other important places in Poland. The choice of Cracow was natural, as it is a former capital city and a very interesting touristic and historical centre. They took a walk around the Old Town and the Wawel Hill with a tour guide, had lunch, tool some free time and then went to visit Wieliczka, the Salt Mine museum. The blue sky again was on our side, nobody complained about cold!

Monday in Radom

The group mobility of students started at the weekend when the group of 9 students accompanied by 2 teachers from FEDAC St Andreu, in Barcelona arrived in Radom. They were accomodated with host families and took their time to get to know each other and the locality. On Monday they started their time at school. First, they did ice breakers and sgot down to work. Then, they went to see the school. Their task was to do 14 tasks while looking around the school premises, e.g. take a picture with the librarian, find a girl in class 6d who speaks Spanish, teach some students to say hello in Catalan or make 'hungry faces'. After that, they had an English class. They heard stories about some inportant facts about Poland, they found out about some legends, they shared stories of Catalonia and Barcelona. Then, it was time to create a recipe for a dish, either Polish, or Catalan. Later, our guest and host students went to see Radom, which was done using an app 'Industrial symbols of Ra...

Mobilność Erasmus+ 13-17 stycznia 2-25, Radom

  W bieżącym tygodniu gościmy w naszej szkole uczniów i nauczycielki ze szkoły partnerskiej w projekcie Erasmus+, który realizujemy w ramach przyznanej Akredytacji Erasmusa. Odwiedziło nas dziewięcioro 14-latków pod opieką dwóch nauczycielek ze szkoły w Barcelonie. Uczniowie mieszkają w domach swoich rówieśników z naszej szkoły, poznają więc nie tylko szkołę, miasto i kraj, ale także zwyczajne życie polskich rodzin. W szkole i poza nią odbywa się wiele różnorodnych aktywności zgodnych z celami projektu. Poniedziałek goście rozpoczęli od bliższego poznania uczniów oraz szkoły - wykonywali różne zadania, które pozwoliły im zajrzeć do szkolnej biblioteki, sal lekcyjnych oraz innych miejsc, w których pracujemy. Następnie podczas lekcji języka angielskiego wymienili się wiedzą o Polsce i Hiszpanii, a potem stworzyli przepisy na potrawy polskie i katalońskie. Podczas lekcji wychowania fizycznego miały miejsce różnorodne aktywności, również tańce pochodzące z krajów partnerskich. Pop...