Wednesday in Radom

Wednesday was another school day, full of project work. In the morning, our guests took part in the PE class together with PHOENIX KIDS. They did various  tests and exercises, played korfball with the world champions and had a lot of fun. 

Later they did a Polish and Kaszubian class, specially prepared due to the fact that one of the project topics are regional languages. 

After that, we all went to see the vice president of Radom, Mts Katarzyna Kalinowska, at the city hall. The project aims at increasing the citizenship awareness and the sense of belonging to the society, so it was a great lesson on civic participation. The vice president is an enthusiast of Erasmus+ projects and always welcomes our activities connected to such activities. 

After coming back and lunch, our guests had time with maths (Blokus games) and ICT - robots programming. 

After getting some rest, they came back to school for dinner. It was not a usual one, though! The school teachers gathered around self prepared Polish dishes, while the students were having their special table with pizza and fun. After the dinner, they went upstairs to the ICT room and prepared a story jumper book of the mobility. 


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